The Importance of “Brain Breaks” while working from home!
Juggling…..Yes, that’s right juggle! like actual juggling with small soft balls/bean bags. This is a brilliant exercise to use as a “Brain break”. [...]
The Big 5
OK So, I’ve told you I’ve been doing some self-development during the lockdown. One course I’m doing right now is a psychology course [...]
Today’s Magic
The best thing I spent my time doing during the lock-down was a bit of self-development! Try journaling “the miracles of today” ......gratitude. [...]
Couples Counselling Myth Buster
A short video with Orla who is a couples counselor discussing the myths around taking the first step towards couples counseling. [...]
Anxiety Disorder/ Social Anxiety
Have you ever pulled out of a family or social gathering because you feel you’ll be too uncomfortable dealing with different conversations and [...]
Sinus infection treatment through Acupuncture
Hands up those who suffer regular sinus infection can relate to these nasty nasty symptoms? Congested, pressure and swelling around the eyes, headache, [...]